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“I suffer from chronic insomnia where although I get into bed by 10:00pm, it takes me 1-2 hrs to actually go to sleep & I invariably wake at 3-3:30 every morning.
I follow the usual sleep hygiene protocols but this routine hasn’t been affective.
Would your device assist? “

Suzy who wrote to us with the above problem is not alone. Millions around the world, struggle with insomnia, the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep. Fortunately, there are effective treatments available, and two powerful tools you might not be familiar with are bedtime restriction therapy in conjunction with bright light therapy. Let’s explore how they work together to help you manage your sleep and achieve those restful nights you crave.

Taming the Bed Time

Imagine this: you toss and turn for hours in the bed, frustrated by the lack of sleep.

This frustration can lead you to spend even more time in bed, hoping to catch some sleep. However, this approach doesn’t work for everyone. This is where sleep can help in increasing sleep efficiency— the ratio of time spent asleep to time spent in bed.

This approach developed by Dr. Arthur Spielman, is designed for people who have trouble sleeping during the beginning, middle or end of the time spent in bed. It doesn’t aim to restrict actual sleep time but rather to initially restrict the time spent in bed.

Take for example, you go to bed at 11:00 pm and get out of bed in the morning at 7:00 am but your actual sleep time is only 5 hours per night. Your sleep efficiency in this case is around 62% ( 5 hrs/8hrs). During the first step of this procedure you will be in bed only 5 hours (e.g., 12:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m.). This may sound difficult at first but after a week or so there will be a marked decrease in time spent awake in the middle of the night.

Usually people experience marked improvement in the quality of sleep after a week of restricted time in bed, but they also realize that that they are not getting enough sleep. In this case, the next step is to gradually extend the time spent in bed by 15 to 30 minutes, as long as wakefulness in the middle of the night remains minimal.

By setting this kind of  strict bedtime and wake-up time, you essentially retrain your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. This is used to build up sleep pressure that will help ensure better quality sleep when you are in bed and strengthen the bed as a trigger for sleep. Over time, as your body adjusts to this consistent schedule, you’ll find it easier to fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly throughout the night.

Harnessing the Power of Light

Our bodies are naturally wired to respond to light. Bright light exposure in the morning helps suppress the production of melatonin, a hormone that signals sleepiness. This is where bright light therapy comes in. By using light therapy glasses like Re-Timer, that emits blue-green light similar to natural sunlight, you can regulate your circadian rhythm, the internal clock that governs your sleep-wake cycle. By incorporating bright light therapy in the morning and evening, you can gradually nudge your internal clock forward, making it easier to fall asleep at a reasonable hour.

The Dream Team in Action : Bright Light & Bedtime Restriction Therapy

The recent documentary “Australia’s Sleep Revolution with Dr Michael Mosley” which aired on SBS OnDemand, showcased a combination of bedtime restriction therapy and bright light therapy using Re-Timer light therapy glasses for people suffering from sleep disorders.  Dr. Mosley was diagnosed with “moderately severe” obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), but his struggles extended beyond that – a misaligned circadian rhythm, his body’s internal clock that led to him consistently waking up at 3 am, mistaking it for morning.

To address this, renowned sleep psychologist Professor Leon Lack from Flinders University prescribed a two-pronged approach:

  1. Bright Light Therapy: Dr. Mosley used Re-Timer light therapy glasses before bedtime. These wearable devices emit green-blue light, helping to reset his circadian rhythm.
  2. Bedtime Restriction Therapy: This involved setting consistent sleep and wake times, even on days with poor sleep.

By combining these techniques, Dr. Mosley was able to “shift” his body clock. This reduced the likelihood of those disruptive 3 am awakenings, paving the way for a more restful sleep experience.

That’s the advantage of this approach: bedtime restriction therapy and bright light therapy work synergistically. By limiting your time in bed and exposing yourself to bright light in the morning and evening, you’re sending strong signals to your body about when it’s time to sleep and when it’s time to be awake. This consistent approach can significantly improve your sleep quality and duration.

Important Considerations

While these therapies offer a drug-free approach to sleep management, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional. They can help you determine if these therapies are right for you and develop a personalized plan to address your specific sleep challenges. Additionally, remember that consistency is key. Sticking to your sleep schedule and light therapy routine, even on weekends, is crucial for maximizing the benefits.

So, if you’re tired of battling insomnia, don’t despair. By considering bedtime restriction therapy and bright light therapy, you can take control of your sleep and finally achieve those restful nights you deserve.

Sleep deprivation can have a significant impact on new moms, both physically and emotionally. The postpartum period is already a challenging time, and lack of sleep can intensify these challenges.


  • Sleep deprivation can have significant physical, emotional, and cognitive consequences for new mothers
  • Lack of sleep impairs physical recovery, aggravates mood swings and anxiety, and affects cognitive functions like memory and decision-making
  • Re-Timer helps regulate circadian rhythms and gradually adjust sleep schedules especially beneficial for new mothers dealing with irregular sleep patterns due to caring for their newborns

Becoming a mother is unquestionably among life’s most rewarding journeys. However, it also comes with its fair share of challenges, and one of the most common struggles for new moms is getting enough sleep. Sleep deprivation can take a toll on new mothers, and can be especially challenging due to the demands of caring for a newborn.

Adequate sleep is crucial

Lack of sleep can impact a new mom’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being in more ways than one. Sleep is the most important component of a speedy recovery for mothers, be it natural or surgical childbirth;

  • Essential for physical recovery after childbirth. It’s when the body repairs tissues, boosts the immune system and regulates hormones.
  • Deprivation can lead to mood swings, irritability, anxiety, and even postpartum depression. Coping with these challenges becomes even harder when sleep is compromised.
  • Closely tied to cognitive function, including memory, attention, and decision-making. New moms often report “mom brain” or forgetfulness, which can be exacerbated by sleep deprivation.

Using Re-Timer to sleep better

Trouble falling asleep?

Parenthood often feels like a journey through different time zones. Whether you’re dealing with late-night feedings or irregular sleep patterns, Re-Timer light therapy glasses can help minimize the effects of shifting schedules.
Re-Timer light therapy glasses is designed to help regulate sleep patterns by using light therapy. Developed by researchers and sleep experts, it’s a promising tool for new moms looking to improve their sleep quality and quantity.
To see significant results, consistency is key. Try to use Re-Timer at the same times each day and stick to a regular sleep schedule.

Millennials, like other generations, encounter sleep challenges due to irregular bedtime routines, poor sleep hygiene, and the constant pressure to remain connected for work or social reasons, hindering relaxation before bedtime and causing sleep disturbances.


  • In a world dominated by digital connectivity and incessant stimulation, millennials find themselves trapped in a cycle of sleep deprivation, distraction, and digital reliance.
  • The pressures to succeed, stay socially active, and stay updated online often lead to compromised sleep quality
  • Re-Timer’s simulated natural light exposure works wonders in regulating sleep patterns, offering a solution to those struggling with erratic sleep schedules.

Millennials spend an astonishing amount of time glued to screens, from smartphones to laptops, screen-induced sleep disruption and eye strain are rampantly on the rise.

The digital age has ushered in unparalleled convenience, but it has also furthered a culture of relentless distraction. Juggling work responsibilities, social commitments, and digital engagement can lead to diminished focus and heightened stress levels.

Compromising on sleep

Millennials are no strangers to the demands of modern life. The pressure to excel in careers, maintain an active social life, and stay updated in the digital realm often comes at the expense of one crucial aspect: sleep.


  • Grownup during the rapid expansion of technology and the internet has led to an “always-on” culture, where constant connectivity can make it difficult to disconnect and wind down before sleep
  • Have entered the workforce during a period of economic uncertainty, and pressure to build a career might lead to longer work hours, multiple jobs, or side gigs, which can cut into sleep time
  • Desire to maintain an active social life and engage in recreational activities can sometimes lead millennials to stay up later than they should, especially during weekends or days off
  • Economic pressures, including high living costs, stagnant wages, and the want for an active social life might lead some millennials to work more than one job or put in longer hours, leaving less time for sleep
  • With the rise of remote work and flexible schedules, the boundaries between work and personal time can become blurred. This can lead to work-related tasks encroaching on late evenings, impacting sleep routines

Light therapy could be a game-changer

Light therapy, utilizing exposure to specific wavelengths of light, has emerged as a potential game changer in managing sleep disorders and mood-related issues. By simulating natural sunlight, it helps regulate the body’s circadian rhythms, improving sleep quality and energy levels. Additionally, light therapy has shown promise in enhancing mood and reducing symptoms associated with various sleep-related disorders.

Using Re-Timer for regulating sleep routine

For millennials, who often struggle with irregular sleep routines due to factors like technology use, work stress, and social obligations, Re-Timer light therapy glasses can offer a practical solution. By incorporating Re-Timer as a part of their daily routines, millennials can reset their internal clocks, improve sleep quality, and mitigate the effects of irregular schedules. This technology aligns with the preferences of a digitally native generation, providing a non-invasive and convenient method to address common sleep issues and enhance overall well-being.

“Thank you so much for the expedited delivery … I have used the glasses for 2 nights and experienced tiredness in the evening … something I didn’t recognise on the first night. The second night confirmed I was in fact tired – a symptom my body had long ago lost touch with. I think you may have just turned my life around.”

Lyn Peel, Sydney, Australia

In today’s academic world, the importance of sleep for academic success is becoming more evident. Prioritizing sleep is essential for achieving the best academic results. Research consistently shows that not getting enough sleep can harm cognitive abilities, attention, and memory – all crucial for effective learning.


  • Prioritizing sleep is essential for optimal academic performance, as inadequate sleep can impair cognitive function, attention span, and memory consolidation.
  • Sleep deprivation among students is pervasive but often glorified, leading to increased stress, anxiety, and depression, which further hinder academic success.
  • Establishing consistent sleep schedules and practicing good sleep hygiene are crucial steps in promoting better sleep habits among students.

There’s often a culture that glorifies staying up late as a sign of dedication. But this can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and depression, making academic challenges even harder to overcome. By establishing good sleep habits early on, students can improve both their well-being and their academic performance. It’s time to realize that quality sleep isn’t just a luxury – it’s essential for academic success.

Academic stress affects sleep patterns and overall well-being

Sleep is not just about resting; our brains and bodies must recharge and function properly. When we sleep, our brains process information, handle emotions and prepare us for the day.

  • Academic stress disrupts the natural sleep process by triggering the release of stress hormones making it difficult for students to relax and fall asleep.
  • Students often sacrifice sleep in favor of studying more, believing it will improve their academic performance.
  • Late-night sessions creating sleep deficits lead to a detrimental cycle where lack of sleep impairs cognitive function.
  • Lifestyle factors, such as excessive screen time and irregular sleep schedules, disrupt the body’s natural circadian rhythms, making it challenging to establish healthy sleep patterns.
  • Overall, the stress of academic demands combined with poor sleep habits creates a vicious cycle that negatively impacts students’ cognitive abilities, emotional well-being, and overall academic performance.

Light therapy can prove beneficial

Light therapy offers a holistic approach to managing academic stress by regulating sleep patterns, boosting mood, and increasing energy and focus. By synchronizing the body clock, it improves sleep quality and reduces feelings of overwhelm.
Additionally, light therapy stimulates serotonin production, promoting a more positive outlook and enhancing cognitive function, crucial for academic success.

Use of Re-Timer can help alleviate stress levels

Re-Timer light therapy glasses utilizes light therapy to regulate your body’s internal clock, which in turn enhances sleep quality and overall well-being. By improving sleep patterns, it can help students better cope with the pressures of academic life, reducing stress levels and promoting mental resilience. Integrating Re-Timer into a routine could prove instrumental in alleviating academic stress and fostering a healthier academic experience.


“Last year, my son struggled with a distressing sleep phase-shift problem that caused him to miss an entire term of school. We saw many medical professionals who prescribed a range of medications, including melatonin and sleeping pills. After a long-awaited appointment with a sleep physician, we acted upon his recommendation and tried a Re-Timer. After one day’s use, we saw some changes, and within two weeks, his normal sleep cycle was restored. Since then, he has used it on occasion to sort his sleep cycle out after a run of late nights or broken sleep. I recommend it unreservedly.

Julie Smith, Melbourne, Australia

Craving a bit more sleep, even after a full night’s rest? If persistent drowsiness affects your days despite a long night’s sleep, you could be experiencing symptoms of Hypersomnia. Be assured that you are not alone as numerous people experience this sleep disorder, and there are solutions to find relief!

Let us explore hypersomnia, its associated symptoms, and the potential efficacy of Re-Timer light therapy glasses as a means to enhance daily functioning.

Understanding Hypersomnia

Hypersomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by an overwhelming urge to sleep and difficulty staying awake during the day. People with hypersomnia can sleep for 10 or more hours a night and still experience fatigue throughout the day. This constant sleepiness can significantly impact work, school, social interactions, and overall well-being.

Symptoms of Hypersomnia:

  • Excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) – Feeling tired and sluggish even after sufficient sleep.
  • Difficulty waking up in the morning – Feeling groggy and needing an alarm to function.
  • Frequent napping – Needing naps throughout the day to function.
  • Difficulty concentrating – Sleepiness impacting focus and attention.
  • Low motivation and mood – Fatigue leading to decreased motivation and mood swings.

Consequences of Daytime Sleepiness

Persistent daytime drowsiness extends beyond mere fatigue, profoundly affecting both health and everyday life with serious repercussions:

  • Heightened safety risks, escalating the likelihood of workplace accidents or hazardous driving incidents.
  • Impaired performance in professional or academic endeavors.
  • Diminished quality of life.
  • Challenges in regulating emotions and moods.
  • Strained interpersonal relationships and social challenges.

Excessive sleepiness poses heightened dangers for specific demographics such as young adults, shift workers, healthcare professionals, and individuals engaged in prolonged driving activities.

Treatment Options

While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all remedy, recent studies indicate that light therapy shows promise as an effective method for managing hypersomnia. Here’s how it works:

  • Regulating Your Body Clock: Light plays a key role in regulating your internal body clock or circadian rhythm, which regulates the sleep-wake cycle. Light Therapy helps synchronize your internal clock with the external environment (daylight).
  • Morning Light is Key: Studies suggest morning light therapy might be most effective for hypersomnia. Exposure to bright light early in the day can help advance your sleep phase, making it easier to wake up feeling refreshed and stay alert throughout the day.

Research and Light Therapy for Hypersomnia

The use of light therapy for hypersomnia is still under investigation, but initial research findings are encouraging.

  • Study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine found that bright light therapy significantly improved excessive daytime sleepiness in patients with hypersomnia. Participants exposed to morning light reported better alertness and reduced sleepiness during the day.
  • Research article in the Journal of Affective Disorders explored the effects of light therapy on idiopathic hypersomnia. The results indicated that regular light exposure positively influenced sleep quality and daytime functioning.

Re-Timer Light Therapy Glasses: A Natural Approach

Conventional light therapy typically entails daily stationary sessions near a light therapy box at designated times. Alternatively, Re-Timer light therapy glasses provide a convenient and adaptable solution for integrating light therapy into your daily routine. Emitting UV-free green-blue light mimicking natural sunlight, Re-Timer helps regulate the body clock or circadian rhythm, improving both the quality of sleep and alertness during the day.

Designed for comfort, Re-Timer wearable light therapy glasses sits lightly on the head & it’s under eye delivery of light makes it suitable for spectacle wearers as well. Plus, it offers a clear view, allowing its users to multitask without any hindrance – whether at work, at home or when you travel.

“For years, excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) was my constant companion. No matter how much sleep I got – 8 hours, 10 hours, even 12 – I could never shake the feeling of being in a fog. Work meetings were a struggle, social gatherings felt like a chore, and even simple tasks like grocery shopping became exhausting. I desperately wanted my energy back.

Then, I discovered Re-Timer light therapy glasses. Let me tell you, they’ve been a game-changer! Since using Re-Timer glasses, mornings are a whole new ball game! That foggy feeling is fading, and I finally have the energy to keep up with my day. Re-Timer glasses are not magic, but they have made a real difference in my life. They’re easy to use, convenient, and most importantly, they deliver what they promise! If you struggle with EDS, I highly recommend giving Re-Timer glasses a try.”

Kevin Bell, Manchester UK

Mick Jagger wearing a pair of Re-Timer light therapy glasses CREDIT: CGMIA, LFMIA, MEGA

Re-Timer is easy to use, rechargeable & portable and using it for a minimum of 30 minutes a day gives the body the bright light needed to maintain a healthy sleep–wake rhythm. Re-Timer light therapy wearables are an outcome of 25+ years of research into treatment of circadian rhythm disorders using light therapy by Professor Leon Lack and Dr Helen Wright at Australia’s Flinders University.

Australian made wearable

Approved medical device in UK, EU, AU

Wear over spectacles

100% UV free and eye safe

Finding Relief from Hypersomnia

While hypersomnia presents its challenges, adopting an effective strategy enables you to navigate sleepiness and regain control over your daily activities. Consultation with a healthcare provider is recommended to explore diverse treatment possibilities, including the potential advantages of light therapy. Embracing brighter days, along with exposure to morning light, could be the key to experiencing heightened alertness and vitality.

Better sleep, brighter moods, more energy.
It all begins with

The importance of achieving deep, restful sleep is important in waking up feeling refreshed and healthy. It underscores the connection between sleep quality and overall well-being.


  • Quality sleep is essential for maintaining good health and well-being
  • Research has shown that getting adequate and restful sleep is linked to improved cognitive function, better mood regulation, enhanced immune system function, and even a reduced risk of chronic diseases
  • Light therapy has been valuable and effective in regulating circadian rhythm, sleep patterns, promoting better sleep quality, and supporting overall well-being.

We need good sleep

In our bustling lives, it’s easy to overlook the importance of a good night’s sleep. We often treat sleep as a neglected afterthought of our daily routine, trading hours of precious rest for endless Netflix binging, social media scrolling, or late-night work emails. Little do we realize this casual attitude toward sleep can have far-reaching consequences for our health and well-being.

Good sleep is crucial for optimizing physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Adequate and restful sleep is associated with;

  • Improved immune system to fight illness and linked to a lower risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke
  • Influences hormones that regulate appetite and metabolism, which can help with weight control
  • Contributes to better emotional stability, stress management, and the ability to cope with challenges
  • Improves physical endurance, coordination, and reaction times, making it essential for athletes
  • Enhances focus, concentration, and productivity in daily activities.

Light therapy can help

Exposure to light therapy in the morning, particularly within the first hour of waking up, can help regulate the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles. By suppressing melatonin production in the morning and promoting its release in the evening, light therapy can help synchronize the body’s internal clock and improve overall sleep quality.

Using Re-Timer to regulate sleep cycle

The science behind Re-Timer light therapy glasses is based on the understanding that exposure to certain wavelengths of light, particularly in the blue-green spectrum, can influence the body’s internal clock and help regulate sleep patterns. By providing light exposure at specific times of day, such as in the morning to promote wakefulness or in the evening to facilitate relaxation and sleepiness, retimer aims to synchronize the body’s circadian rhythms and improve overall sleep quality.

“This device changed my life. I now look forward to going to bed. I fall asleep easy and I get to spend more time with my family as I get up earlier than I used to. I also feel more energetic when I use the light.”
Cassidy, Adelaide, Australia

Read more about some of success stories of happy Re-Timer customers 

“Cracking the sleep code” typically refers to understanding the factors that influence and optimize sleep patterns for better overall health and well-being. It involves understanding the science of sleep, including its various stages and cycles, as well as identifying and addressing factors that can disrupt or improve sleep quality.


  • Understanding the causes and effects of poor sleep habits can lead to transformative changes in your sleep quality
  • Embrace brighter days changing your sleep schedule for the better
  • Experience the joy of waking up to a refreshed, revitalized version of yourself with Re-Timer Light Therapy Glasses.

Poor sleep habits

We’ve all been there at some point – tossing and turning, counting endless sheep, or staring at the ceiling in frustration while sleep evades. Poor sleep is an all-too-common problem that can leave us feeling groggy, irritable, and drained the next day.

Let us take a closer look at what we could be doing wrong.

  • Staring at screens (phones, tablets, TVs) before bedtime can confuse your body’s internal clock, making it harder to fall asleep
  • Irregular sleep patterns, such as going to bed and waking up at different times each day, can disrupt your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle, leaving you feeling out of sync
  • Worries from work, family, or life can keep your mind racing even when your body craves rest
  • Eating at irregular intervals and late-night binging on sweets/desserts gives the body a sugar rush
  • Mental stress from any/all of the above makes it tough to wind down and fall asleep

Light therapy can make a difference

Light therapy involves exposure to specific wavelengths of light that mimic natural sunlight, influencing the body’s internal clock and promoting better sleep patterns.

Poor sleep doesn’t have to be your constant companion. By understanding the causes and effects of bad sleep habits and incorporating light therapy into your routine, you can finally experience the joy of restful nights and energized days.
Sleep is your body’s way of recharging – give it the attention it deserves and wake up to a brighter, more vibrant you.

Using Re-timer for managing sleep schedule

Re-Timer light therapy wearables are designed to regulate and reset the sleep schedule with green-blue light to stimulate the part of the brain that controls your natural sleep cycle.

By incorporating Re-Timer into your daily routine and addressing poor sleep habits, you can unlock the secret to better sleep and wake up feeling rejuvenated and ready to seize the day. Embrace the transformative power of light and experience the joy of a restful night’s sleep.

retimer can help with sleeplessness


“I was able to re-adjust my sleep schedule, and I am impressed how easy and effective the use of the Re-Timer was.

Kevin Hodges, Toronto, Canada

Read more about some of success stories of happy Re-Timer customers 

Ever wonder why some days feel like a breeze while others leave us exhausted?

It may come as a surprise to know that the secret to happier, healthier, and more successful days might just be hiding under our covers. Sleep is the simplest connection between happiness and us!

It’s not just about getting by with minimal rest; it’s about recognizing the transformative impact of quality sleep on every aspect of our lives. Prioritizing sleep isn’t just a luxury – it’s a necessity to unlock your full potential.

Quality sleep acts like a magic eraser for negative emotions, leaving us with a sunny disposition and a skip in our step. It would be safe to say, sleep is a mood regulator, keeping us positive.

In addition to this, disruptive sleep schedules also cause weight gain despite our best efforts. When we are sleep deprived, leptin, the ‘fullness’ hormone, decreases, and ghrelin, the ‘hunger’ hormone, increases, disrupting appetite regulation. Adequate sleep is essential not only for rest but also for maintaining a healthy relationship with food and body weight, ultimately impacting our mind and body.

Numerous studies have reported that low sleep quality or duration negatively affects self-evaluated happiness, well-being, and life satisfaction (Shin and Kim, 2018; Zhao et al., 2019; Otsuka et al., 2020; Kouros et al., 2022; Kukade et al., 2022).

A good night’s sleep is like hitting the refresh button for our body, boosting our immune system, revving up our metabolism, and giving us the energy to tackle our day head-on. By prioritizing sleep, we’re not just investing in a better today – we’re setting ourselves up for a happier, healthier tomorrow.

Sleeping isn’t just downtime; it’s prime time for our brain to recharge, making us sharper, and more creative. That’s a thank you from our brain for giving it the rest it deserves.

It’s like gifting ourselves a dose of good health, one night at a time. It’s not just about counting sheep; it’s about building bridges. It automatically amps up empathy and sensitivity.

It’s simple: if we don’t sleep well, we are highly unlikely to function properly.

While on the subject of happiness, did you know there is a World Happiness Index? It rates countries based on how happy people feel, taking into account things like how well the government works and how satisfied the public is. The happiest countries in the world are praised for having good leadership and strong social support systems, showing how important these factors are for everyone’s happiness.

To conclude on a happy note, this is why sleep and happiness are the ultimate dynamic duo. When you go to sleep tonight, remember: you’re not just getting good sleep, you’re setting yourself up for a life filled with more smiles, more success, and a whole lot of happiness.

If your interest is piqued, here are some references to read up more on the subject.

Walker, M. (2017). Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams. Simon & Schuster.

Pilcher, J. J., & Huffcutt, A. I. (1996). Effects of sleep deprivation on performance: A meta-analysis. Sleep: Journal of Sleep Research & Sleep Medicine, 19(4), 318-326.

W. Chris Winter, MD (2019). The sleep solution; Why your sleep is broken and how to fix it

  • Mosley’s trial saw an impressive 80% success rate in improving sleep using advanced technology.
  • The trial’s personalized approach under Professor Eckert marked a departure from one-size-fits-all methods.
  • Michael Mosley reveals simple bright light therapy as cure that quelled his sleeping condition
  • Experts highlight the vital role of sleep in overall health, advocating for consistent routines.
  • The series reveals the widespread use of sedatives, urging for more awareness and alternative treatments.


Dr. Michael Mosley, a trained scientist and author specializing in sleep disorders, faced personal sleep struggles despite his expertise. He’s now leading with his eye-opening new three-part series Australia’s Sleep Revolution with Dr Michael Mosley, which premiered on Wednesday 6 March,2024 at 7.30pm on SBS and SBS On Demand.  The documentary features Re-Timer light therapy glasses, developed by the Australian Sleep Tech Company, which were instrumental in resolving Dr. Mosley’s circadian rhythm-related sleep problems.

Australia’s Sleep Revolution exposes the magnitude of Australia’s growing sleep crisis –

About the series:

In this new documentary series, researchers from Flinders University’s FHMRI Sleep Health clinic set out to understand the science behind common sleep conditions such as insomnia and sleep apnoea. It also highlights the shocking short and long term health effects posed by bad slumber – ranging from high blood pressure to increased risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, depression, chronic disease and reduced life expectancy.

The documentary series embarks on a journey to the highest echelons of power, venturing into Parliament House to assess the sleep quality of prominent politicians such as Jacqui Lambie, Barnaby Joyce, Josh Wilson, and Mike Freelander. By casting a spotlight on the subpar sleep health of influential policymakers, the program seeks to revitalize public discourse around the significance of sleep wellbeing.

Through the program, a remarkable 80% of the 30 participants experienced significant improvement after an intensive eight-week trial using cutting-edge sleep technology.

Light therapy for managing circadian rhythm

During the trial, Dr. Michael Mosley realized that his sleep concerns were not solely due to “moderately severe” obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) but also stemmed from a misaligned circadian rhythm or body clock. The circadian rhythm is responsible for regulating sleep-wake cycles, mood, and energy levels. This misalignment caused him to awaken at 3 am, as his body mistook it for awakening time. To address this issue, renowned Sleep Psychologist Professor Leon Lack recommended that he expose himself to bright light before bedtime using Re-Timer light therapy glasses. Regular use of these light therapy wearables helped Dr. Mosely “shift” his body clock, reducing the likelihood of waking up at unlikely hour.

Re-Timer light therapy wearables are an outcome of 25+ years of research into treatment of circadian rhythm disorders using light therapy by Professor Leon Lack and Dr Helen Wright at the Flinders University. Re-Timer mimics natural sunlight, which helps in managing the body clock or circadian rhythm for better overall sleep quality, and daytime alertness.

Designed for comfort, Re-Timer wearable light therapy glasses sits lightly on the head & its under eye delivery of light makes it suitable for spectacle wearers as well. Plus, it offers a clear view, allowing its users to multitask without any hindrance – whether at work, at home or when you travel.

Re-Timer is easy to use, rechargeable & portable and using it for a minimum of 30 minutes a day gives the body the bright light needed to maintain a healthy sleep–wake rhythm.


Too Sleepy in The Evening
Wear Re-Timer 30 minutes in the evening to push back bedtime.

Too Sleepy in the Morning
Still sleepy when you wake up, wear Re-Timer for 30 minutes once, you are awake.

Tired Due to Lack Of Sleep
Wear Re-Timer 30 mines whenever to feel rejuvenated.

Priyanka, one of the trial participants featured on the show, wears Re-TImer light therapy glasses.

Priyanka, one of the trial participants featured on the show, wears Re-Timer light therapy wearable. Source: SBS

And not just Dr. Mosley, this study had Re-Timer light therapy glasses help couple of other trial participants get their circadian rhythm in control which helped them sleep better and live better.

The study employed novel technologies, such as Re-Timer, light therapy wearables and streamlined alternatives to conventional continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines for sleep apnea treatment, in conjunction with cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I), a non-pharmacological approach aimed at addressing the underlying factors contributing to sleeplessness

While sleep has long been a preoccupation of researchers, what sets this trial apart from previous studies is its tailored approach.

“The current approach is very much a one-size-fits-all one. What we’ve done here is flip the whole model on its head towards a precision medicine approach. So that is really comprehensively figuring out what’s going on for the person by giving them the details of the sleep analysis, and also monitoring and tracking them at home”, says trial leader, Professor Danny J Eckert. Director, Adelaide Institute for Sleep Health at Flinders University.

Importance of targeted interventions

Dr. Mosley underscores the significance of targeted interventions, cautioning against the plethora of ineffective remedies flooding the market. While technology can be beneficial, he advises individuals to prioritize their body’s signals over relying solely on gadgets.

“The evidence tells us that this [the new technology] is the best solution to resolve insomnia, much more so than sleeping pills. And yet very few people with insomnia are offered it,” Dr. Eckert says.

Fundamental pillar of well-being

For achieving better sleep, experts recommend prioritizing it as a fundamental pillar of overall well-being. This entails adhering to a consistent sleep schedule, establishing a relaxing bedtime routine, and avoiding stimulating activities before sleep. Should sleep troubles persist, seeking professional assistance is crucial, as they may indicate underlying clinical disorders that require specialized treatment.

Medication usage data

According to Flinders University studies, an estimated 2.5 million Australians suffer from insomnia, and medication is the primary treatment. Ninety percent of patients who visit their GP with insomnia are prescribed sedative-hypnotic medications, and about a quarter of a million Australians use such medication nightly, according to data from 2020.

Better sleep, brighter moods, more energy.
It all begins with

Conquering Sleepless Nights: How Bedtime Restriction Therapy & Bright Light Therapy Can Be Your Dream Team

Millions around the world, struggle with insomnia, the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep. Fortunately, there are effective treatments available, and two powerful tools you might not be familiar with are bedtime restriction therapy in conjunction with bright light therapy. Let’s explore how they work together to help you manage your sleep and achieve those restful nights you crave.

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Chasing Sunbeams : Exploring Light Therapy for Hypersomnia/Excessive Daytime Sleepiness

Craving a bit more sleep, even after a full night’s rest? If persistent drowsiness affects your days despite a long night’s sleep, you could be experiencing symptoms of Hypersomnia. Be assured that you are not alone as numerous people experience this sleep disorder, and there are solutions to find relief! Let us explore hypersomnia, its associated symptoms, and the potential efficacy of Re-Timer light therapy glasses as a means to enhance daily functioning.

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Early to bed, early to rise… Haven’t we all heard these wise words. No one appreciates a good night’s sleep more than a baby or a sleep deprived adult. However, the seemingly invincible teen defies all laws of circadian rhythm.

In this blog we have discussed the causes of lack of sleep among teenagers along with the implications of sleep deprivation and how to combat it with the use of light-therapy wearables.

What causes lack of sleep in teenagers
● Bodily changes
● Hectic academic schedule
● Busy social life
● Perspective towards sleep

Bodily changes

Puberty is a time when the body goes through several changes. One big change is the shift in sleep cycle. The sleep requirement lessens and the body clock which determines what time they fall asleep and what time they should wake up gets delayed as teenagers develop through their adolescent years. This means they fall asleep later and wake-up later.

Hectic academic schedule

Late night studies for assessments and submissions, academic pressure and extracurricular activities ─ all contribute towards upsetting one’s sleep cycle. It’s a known fact that school burnout and sleep quality correlate with one another.

Busy social life

There are several reasons that pressurise teens into not following a healthy sleep pattern. Apart from the plentiful online distractions, it’s enticing to stay up late and catch up on texting or chatting with friends, watching that one extra interesting YouTube video. All this affects their waking up time making them feel groggy and forever sleep deprived.

Perspective towards sleep

Teenagers often embrace the ‘night owl’ tag with pride. Since their schedule is such that morning time is taken up by school, they have no time for themselves other than late evenings to relax and unwind ─The need to last minute catch up on social media, FOMO attitude towards social life, intense academic and peer pressure puts them in a cycle of late nights and constant sleep deficit. Their bodily changes combined with this makes them believe they can handle late nights and early morning schedules without any impact on their performance.

Impacts of sleep deprivation and how to combat it

Just like the causes of lack of sleep is not restricted to above points, so is the impact of sleep deprivation. Whilst the list can be non-exhaustive, some of the immediate effects of lack of sleep can be on their academic achievements, emotional health, physical health and overall development. The first and foremost way of combating sleep deprivation is by identifying it.

Parents can play a huge role by looking out for the tell-tale signs of sleep deprivation. One way is to ask themselves ─ does their teen sleeps-in on weekends, and for how long? If the difference in waking-up timing between weekdays and weekends is of more than 2 hours, it’s time to do some research and seek help

Can bright light therapy help teens?

According to Dr Michael Gradisar, Head of Sleep Science at Flinders University has suggested that:

Bright light therapy has been used in multiple research studies around the world for people who fall asleep late and wake up late. His research group was the first to perform a controlled study showing that bright light therapy was effective in adolescents with sleep problems, and the benefits lasted for 6 months after treatment stopped. Several studies performed in other countries also show bright light therapy works. It works by signalling to the body clock (via the eyes) that it’s time to wake up and start the day.

So, by gradually providing light earlier and earlier to teenagers, their body clock was re-timed into starting the day earlier. As a result, teens begin to feel more alert in the morning and because they are waking up earlier, they begin to fall asleep earlier. It does take effort, but the data showed improvements can occur over 3 weeks, which is quite impressive!

Dr Gradisar’s research interests include the prevalence, consequences, and the psychological assessment and treatment of sleep disorders in children and adolescents.

He also runs treatment studies for child and adolescent sleep problems through the Child and Adolescent Sleep Clinic in Adelaide, Australia

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